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Finally the time has come, the new epic is finally finished and eagerly waiting to get into your hands! A thousand thanks to Markus Teske, my producer, who put everything into perspective. Eternal thanks to Zak Stevens, Ralf Scheepers and Carsten "Lizard" Schulz for lending your voices to the new record! Also the powerful-voiced Sabrina Roth and Stephan Hugo for the sensational backing vocals! Look forward to guest guitar solos from my longtime "Brothers in Metal" Markus Pfeffer (Lazarus Dream) and Wolfgang Sing (Dezperadoz). It's really a new, exciting world that clears up a lot from the first two albums. Here is another "teaser" as a picture installation from the first appearing video "Blue Mirror. You can see Marion Dust (portrayed by the very talented Eileen Scherer) and Zak Stevens in the background. The text excerpt (in this case written by the wonderful Kathleen Stevens) fits the storyline in the experiences and longings that young Marion experiences and lives by. Stay curious! More info about the new album soon! Dispyria by Juergen Walzer

Video-Credits: Christian Esche

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